

ENOPU gives pre-deployment courses recommended by the United Nations for personnel who will serve in Peace Missions. Additionally, it trains people who have any possible role, whether they are… +


The school has a varied team of instructors, with extensive knowledge of the topics covered, generally gained through their own experience working in Uruguay and/or overseas. They belong to… +


Nearly two decades of experience have seen the formation of more than 9000 national students and more than 650 foreign students, from 32 different countries, across…. +


3 September, 2024
2 September, 2024
7 April, 2023
Between March 06 and 31 of this year, the UNMEM Course (Military Experts on Mission) was held at the National Peace Operations Training School, with the participation of 19 students (12 from the National Army, 5 from the National Navy, and 2 from the Uruguayan Air Force). The students were trained in legal and operational […]

Las Misiones de Paz de las Naciones Unidas ayudan a los países afectados por conflictos bélicos a crear las condiciones para una paz duradera. Están compuestas por civiles, policías y militares.