Author Archives: ENOPU

The Preparatory Meeting to the XII General Assembly of ALCOPAZ has finalized

This even has had as an epicenter the installations of ENOPU, from where the activities were conducted in a inherit modality; they were developed in a videoconference format.

The Ceremony of Aperture was developed with the presence of the Sr. General of the National Army Don Marcelo M. Montaner, President of ALCOPAZ, joined by the General Director of the National System of Support to the Peacekeeping Operations, the General Omar Carabajal, the General Secretary of ALCOPAZ, Cnel. Pablo Caubarrere and the ALCOPAZ Presidency Assessor, Cnel. (R) Roberto Gil.

In this occasion, the president of ALCOPAZ directed his message to the members of the Regional Association highlighting the special circumstances difficulties in which are developed in this time, valorizing the very important participation of most of the present members, and finally stimulating to each to contribute with the common compromise of keeping able and productive to the institution.

From the full partners, participated: Argentina (CAECOPAZ), Bolivia (DIOPE), Brazil (CCOPAB and Defense Minister), Chile (CECOPAC and Task Force Cross of South), Colombia (CENCOPAZ and ESMAI), Ecuador (UEMPE), Guatemala (EOPAZ y CREOMPAZ), México (CECOPAM), Paraguay (CECOPAZ) and Uruguay (ENOPU).

Also the observers partners were presents; including The Association of Veterans in Peacekeeping Operations in Uruguay (AVOPU), the Principals of Cooperation in Security and Defense in France (DCSD), the Entertainment of the UN to Germany (DEU UN TC), the Global Peacekeeping Operations Initiative (GPOI) of the United States of America, the Centre of Inquires of Minor Armament , the Program “Doing the Peacekeeping Operations more successful” (SAS-MPOME) of Switzerland, and the Institute of the West Hemisphere to the Cooperation in Security (WHINSEC) of the United States of America.

In the same way, it was counted with the contribution of the Invited Institutions: the IGARAPE Institute from Brazil, the Strategy Associate Centre for the Peace (JD&A PSC) from Canada, the Romeo Dellaire Initiative to Soldier Children (RDChSI) of Canada, the Collage Centre of Curitiba Brazil, the Institute of the United Nations to Training and Inquires (UNITAR), and the Training Center of Peacekeeping Missions of the Salvador (CEOPAZ).

The Activities Program of Four (4) Days, totalizing more than twenty five hours, it was initiated for part of the Host Country Uruguay, presenting the Inform of the General Secretary, giving accounts of the updates given and in course, developing then the relative information to the Action Plan given to this cycle.

After that, special character topics proposed by the Full Associates, which has contributed an additional input very interesting and valued by all the participants.

In every instance was an opportunity of exchanging questions and answers as receiving new inputs to knowledge.

Concluding this section, they presented the Special Guests.

In the fourth working day, the Special Assemble took place in which they proposed and discussed Agreements as the adoption of a transcendent Resolution to the continuity of the cycle course.

In between of these, the Agreement of maintaining the continuous activity of the Association among the coordination meetings with monthly frequency and topics to determinate within each occasion; in the same way they remembered the category changes proposed to Guests that acquire the permanent character of Observers and the continuity of the International Relationship of the politics procuring achieving the closure of new guests.

The Resolution more transcendent determinated with almost most votes was to extend the ACLOPAZ Cycle in Uruguay, including the calendar of 2021.

The Closure Ceremony counted again with the highlighted presence of the ALCOPAZ President and the General Director of the National System of Support of Peacekeeping Operations. The General of the National Army Marcelo M. Montaner expressed his satisfaction by the results achieved proceeded to give a formal Closure of the event and said goodbye to the entire participant’s saying how thankful he was with their presence and contributions given.

Finalizó curso “Introducción al Trabajo de ONU en Ambientes Hostiles”, en la ENOPU.

En el marco de las actividades de la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay(ENOPU) y el Departamento de Seguridad del Sistema de Naciones Unidas(UNDSS), el día jueves 25 de Setiembre de 2019, finalizó el curso de “Introducción al Trabajo de ONU en Ambientes Hostiles”, que se desarrolló entre los días 24 y 25 de Setiembre.

Este curso prepara al Personal de las Naciones Unidas en Uruguay y la región, en seguridad personal para cumplir tareas en zonas de alto riesgo o en situaciones bajo amenazas. El mismo tuvo las siguientes actividades Perfil y Sistema de gerenciamiento de Seguridad de la ONU (UNMSM) en Uruguay, Misiones operativas de Paz, Identificación de amenazas, Protección en zonas de alto riesgo, Conducción de vehículos en zona de alto riesgo, Conducta ante secuestros, Experiencias del contingente uruguayo en rescate de rehenes en Misiones de Paz, Manejo del Stress, Efectos de las armas de fuego, Primeros auxilios y enfermedades del viajero, Orientación en el terreno y Marchas a pie.

Participaron un total de 21 alumnos de distintas agencias de Naciones Unidas.

El curso contó con una serie de ejercicios prácticos desarrollados en el Batallón de infantería Nº 14 y el Servicio de Intendencia del Ejército.

United Nations Contingent Course- UNCOC

The United Nations Contingent Course – UNCOC was held at the National Peace Operations Training School of Uruguay (ENOPU) between October 30 and November 24.

The course was aimed at Officers who will command troops in the next rotation and will be part of the Uruguayan Contingent and Staff to be deployed in MONUSCO (The Democratic Republic of the Congo) next 2018.

A total of 51 students completed the course, among them there was 1 student from the Navy of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The course trained the Officers in all the necessary aspects to carry out their task once deployed in the African country. Among the topics developed are: the legal framework, conduct and discipline, the role of women, CIMIC, MOU, COE, SEA, VIP Protection, among others. The course included a week dedicated to the Protection of Civilians, given the high relevance that this topic has being part of the MONUSCO Mandate.

The Course concluded with a day of practical exercises carried out in the grounds of the Infantry Brigade No. 1 and a series of complementary talks among which stand out: assessment of the Situation of the Mission Area by the National Army and the Uruguayan Air Force.

There were also English and French lessons being the latter in charge of Lt. Col. Antonio Ramos, belonging to the French Army currently serving in CAECOPAZ – Argentina. It’s necessary to highlight the presence of Ms. Angelina Vunge, author of the book “Angelina – The Footprints left by Angola”, instructor of sexual abuse and exploitation, and Mr. Eagonda Lontage Efuka, who trained them in cultural aspects of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Pre-deployment course for the Special Transport and Engineers Groups – MFO Sinai at ENOPU.

As part of the activities of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU for its Spanish acronym), on Friday, November 24 the ¨Pre-deployment course for the Special Transport and Engineers Groups – MFO Sinai¨, was completed.

A total of 21 students integrated the course, the topics developed in the classes were based on the tasks realized by the MFO members once they are deployed to the Sinai Peninsula.

It consisted of several activities, among them we highlight the organization of MFO force, technical training, legal aspects, transport, driving, finances, rules of engagement, personnel safety, threat detection, and behavior in convoys, as well as English classes, Close-order Instruction, and physical education.

Also, Basic Vital Support training was provided at the Medical School of the Armed Forces, defensive driving, practical driving lessons at the Army Service of Transport. In addition, night driving, convoy, escort and shooting exercises were conducted in the Vidiella Military Camp.

Among the instructors we highlight, the presence of a lecturer of the diplomatic corps by the Embassy of Egypt, Ambassador Amr Abbas Abdelhadi, for the Embassy of Israel, Mr. Consul Ariel Bercovich and Professor Susana Mangana, Responsible for the Cathedra ¨Islam and Arab World¨ from the Humanistic Formation Department of the Catholic University of Uruguay.


93 Students completed the Course Protection of Civilians at ENOPU

As part of the activities of the National Peace Operations Training School of Uruguay (ENOPU), on Friday, November 17, 2017, the course “Protection of Civilians” was completed.

A total of 93 students participated in the course, with the presence of two students from the Federative Republic of Brazil, one student from the United Mexican States, the rest from the Army, National Navy, Ministry of National Defense and National Police.

The topics developed in class were focused on promoting in the students the interest and critical sense on the different aspects related to the “Protection of Civilians in the framework of Peacekeeping Operations”: the actors, the risks, the threats, the legal framework, child protection, sexual abuse, the tasks to protect the civilian population, ensuring, in addition, the legitimacy and credibility of the mission.

As usual, it ended with a practical exercise applying the knowledge acquired for the Identification of the different Scenarios, their risks and the tactical planning for the materialization of the integral concept of Protection of Civilians as well as a series of conferences.

Standing out are the conferences of Colonel Luis Coitiño, Cathedra Coordinator, and General Ricardo Fernández. The latter gave the students their vast knowledge of the subject and his experience in PKO. Particularly the lessons learned as Battalion Commander in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the Kinshasa crisis for which he was awarded the “Encomienda de Número de la Orden del Merito Civil”, awarded by the Kingdom of Spain.

Completing in this way the priority instruction for the contingent that will be deployed to the DRC in 2018 and other students who obtained the necessary knowledge on the integrated protection civilians.

The course “Advanced Logistics” ends at the ENOPU

The National Peace Operations Training School of Uruguay (ENOPU), held between August 01st and October 30th the course “Advanced Logistics”.

A total of 48 students participated in said course, from the Uruguayan National Army and Air Force.

The course was taught by instructors from the Army, UDE, Pronto Metal, International Business Alliance, International Business School, National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay, National Ports Administration, National Institute of Logistic (INALOG), etc.

The topics developed in class were based on knowing the concept of Logistics, Supply Chain, handling of air, maritime and port cargo, customs operations, how the administrative structure works, logistics in MPO, among others.

The Advanced Logistics course, which stands out as one of the most demanding dictated by the ENOPU and whose approval requires a strong commitment from each student with the logistic subjects, having to sacrifice many hours over the daily labor and professional requirements.

Luckily, all and each one of the 48 students lived up to that commitment and they even surpassed it by making contributions from a specific logistic field for the best possible training of their comrades.

Such commitment to the training to improve their task in the logistic areas even at the expense of their personal and family time reflects the spirit of the body and the desire for professional improvement in the good of the institution.

Later they went to the back of the amphitheater “Cascos Azules” of this institute to share a lunch to entertain the guests, where they exchanged experiences and concepts about Logistics.

72nd UN Anniversary

October 24, UN Day, it commemorated the anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations in 1945 signed by more than 50 Member States.

This event has been celebrated since 1948 and since 1971 the United Nations General Assembly recommends that the day be observed by Member States as a public holiday.

The Organization was created to promote peace and justice among nations, respect the Human Rights, fight poverty, war, inequalities and epidemics.

Currently, UN has 115 thousand troops deployed in 15 United Nations peacekeeping operations led by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.

With the new challenges proposed by the UN on September 2015, based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development, governments will work to achieve a more sustainable and stable world in the coming years.

On the occasion of the celebration, a concert conducted by the Slovak National Folklore Ballet took place in the hall of the General Assembly in New York.

 In our country, at Independence Square, a commemorative event was held with the presence of the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Uruguay Ms. Mireia Villar Forner, the Commander in Chief of the Army, Gral. of the Army Mr. Guido Manini Rios; the Army Chief of Staff and Chief of the National Support System for Peacekeeping Operations (SINOMAPA) Gral. Marcelo M. Montaner; the Chief of the Military House Gral Alfredo Erramun; the Director of the National Peace Operations Training School (ENOPU) Col. Niver Pereira, Diplomatic Corps; representatives of agencies of the United Nations System for Uruguay; a peacekeepers section from the National Army and students from the School No 185 UNESCO among others.

ENOPU greets on such an important day to Instructors, students and troops deployed in Peacekeeping Operations.